Zeruxs Limited

Competitive Pricing

We offer our top-quality services at competitive prices, providing you with great value for your investment.

Value for Money

We offer high-quality services at low prices. We make sure that your money gives you the best return possible.

Programmatic Media Management

Programmatic Media Management
Programmatic Launch

Programmatic Media Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses new to programmatic advertising or with limited campaign experience.
  • Platform Setup & Optimization: Set up and configure key programmatic platforms for efficient ad delivery.
  • Campaign Development: Build targeted display and/or video campaigns across various ad exchanges.
  • Audience Targeting: Leverage basic audience segments based on demographics or interests.
  • Budget Management: Manage and optimize your ad spend for efficient allocation.
  • Reporting: Monthly reports with basic performance metrics (impressions, clicks, conversions).
Programmatic Media Management
Programmatic Growth

Programmatic Media Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses seeking to expand their programmatic reach and improve campaign performance.
  • Advanced Targeting Strategies: Utilize sophisticated audience segments including geo-targeting, behavioral targeting, and retargeting.
  • Creative Optimization: A/B test different ad creatives to maximize results.
  • Cross-Channel Integration: Integrate programmatic campaigns with other marketing channels for a unified strategy.
  • Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Management: Implement RTB strategies to optimize bids based on real-time data.
  • Reporting: In-depth monthly reports with detailed performance metrics, audience insights, and competitor analysis.
Programmatic Media Management
Programmatic Pro

Programmatic Media Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses demanding a high-performance and fully customizable programmatic strategy.
  • Advanced Campaign Types: Implement programmatic campaigns across various formats (e.g., audio, native, connected TV).
  • Custom Audience Modeling: Develop custom audience segments based on your specific needs and goals.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Leverage lookalike audience targeting to reach similar high-value users.
  • Programmatic Direct Deals: Negotiate and manage programmatic direct deals with premium publishers for exclusive ad inventory.
  • Reporting: Comprehensive monthly reports with advanced attribution modeling, ROI analysis, and actionable recommendations.
All Programmatic Media Management Packages Include
  • Dedicated Programmatic Specialist
  • Initial consultation to understand your advertising goals and target audience
  • Ongoing campaign monitoring and optimization
  • Transparency into campaign performance data

Guerilla Marketing Management

Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla Spark

Guerilla Marketing Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses seeking a high-impact, low-budget marketing campaign to generate buzz.
  • Concept Development: Brainstorm and develop a unique, attention-grabbing guerilla marketing concept.
  • Permitting & Location Scouting (Basic): Identify appropriate locations for your campaign (restrictions apply).
  • Execution & Logistics Management: Coordinate with vendors or partners to execute the campaign smoothly.
  • Social Media Integration: Leverage social media platforms to document and amplify the campaign’s reach.
  • Public Relations Outreach (Basic): Issue a press release to generate media interest (optional).
  • Reporting: Post-campaign report with social media engagement metrics and estimated reach.
Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla Growth

Guerilla Marketing Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses seeking a more elaborate guerilla marketing campaign with greater audience interaction.
  • Interactive Element Integration: Design an interactive element within the campaign to engage the audience (e.g., contests, giveaways).
  • Public Relations Outreach (Targeted): Develop targeted media pitches to relevant journalists and influencers.
  • Content Marketing Creation: Produce engaging content (photos, videos) to document and promote the campaign.
  • Influencer Marketing (Micro): Partner with micro-influencers in your local community to amplify the campaign.
  • Performance Tracking & Optimization: Monitor campaign performance and make adjustments for increased impact.
  • Reporting: Detailed post-campaign report with engagement metrics, reach estimations, and media mentions.
Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla Mastermind

Guerilla Marketing Management

  • Ideal for: Businesses seeking a full-fledged guerilla marketing strategy with multi-pronged activation.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Develop a guerilla marketing campaign that leverages multiple channels (online, offline, experiential).
  • Experiential Marketing Activation: Plan and execute an immersive and interactive brand experience (e.g., pop-up shops, stunts).
  • Guerilla Marketing Stunt Development: Design a high-impact, disruptive marketing stunt to generate viral buzz.
  • Public Relations Strategy & Execution: Develop a comprehensive PR strategy and secure placements in relevant media outlets.
  • Measurement & Attribution Analysis: Utilize advanced analytics tools to measure campaign effectiveness and ROI.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: In-depth post-campaign report with detailed insights, engagement metrics, media value measurement (MVM), and actionable recommendations for future campaigns.
All Guerilla Marketing Management Packages Include
  • Dedicated Guerilla Marketing Strategist
  • Creative brainstorming and concept development sessions
  • On-site support and oversight during campaign execution (optional, additional fees may apply)
  • Post-campaign analysis and reporting